Honk honk!

I am pleased to announce that I will be going to Hong Kong with my family in September.  Hong Kong is my second home, and I have missed it.  It has been over a year and a half since I was last there. What will I do there?  Eat!  Eat lots of food!  Instead of … Continue reading

Dumpling Queen

After my disastrous foray into gnocchi making, I am happy to announce that I have successfully made Chinese dumplings (that’s dumpings to us Honkies* – there is a silent L): Recipe courtesy of Christine’s Recipes.  I can’t wait to try the rest of her stuff! Here’s a flashback to enjoy: Happy Sunday! —- *I am … Continue reading

Will the real Clara C please stand up?

There are over 500 Clara Chans on Facebook.  There are so many Clara Chans that Facebook doesn’t display all the search results.  (No, I didn’t stalk myself, someone told me this!) Why are there so many?  Clara is not a common name in modern Western culture.  My theory is that there must have been some … Continue reading

Culture clash

I signed my life away yesterday, to the bank of my motherland. So there I was, scrawling my name on a bunch of papers, while making small talk with my ‘relationship manager’ (roughly translated to the best of my ability): Him:  So you grew up here? Me: Yes, yes I did.  What about you? Him: … Continue reading

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