Mmm, Melbourne…

Marvelous Melbourne.  Mighty Melbourne.  I love my city. Here’s some randomness for today: 1. I won something!  A bit overdue, but news nonetheless.  About a month ago, I saw the talented Bethany Simons (who happens to go to my new church) perform The Weather and Your Health.  It was a lovely show, and I won … Continue reading

27 minutes of babble

I am staying at my parents’ house tonight, and I forgot my power cable for my laptop. Therefore, I have only 27 minutes to type today’s post. But because I don’t have anything particular to say, so that’s totally fine with me. Here’s my 27 minutes of babble: The Spanish Film Festival in Melbourne is … Continue reading

Ikea Madness

Yesterday I went to Ikea to buy some home essentials.  I needed stuff like a laundry basket, a rubbish bin, kitchenware and so on.  I got there super excited, with high hopes. I’ve always loved Ikea, ever since I was a kid and used to play in their ball pit.  I thought of it as … Continue reading

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